Greetings one and all and welcome to the latest Throne Report, Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter posted around the middle of every month. This online newsletter is meant to keep all our fans informed about what we’re working on, what’s been released, important announcements, and a look at what’s coming up.
Aaron T. Huss
General Update
Happy New Year! I was really excited to get this year’s plan out there that I’m posting this Throne Report earlier than usual.
Multi-System Supplements
I thoroughly enjoy researching and producing books under the Tabletop Gaming Guide series, but sometimes the subject matter is smaller and wouldn’t consume as many pages. To accommodate those types of subject matters, I am rolling out a new series of supplements focused on smaller scale subject matters – NOVA ACTIS: A SHADOWED EARTH GAZETTEER OF MODERN LOCALES, VETUS ACTIS: A SHADOWED EARTH GAZETTEER OF HISTORICAL LOCALES, and ANTIQUA ACTIS: A SHADOWED EARTH GAZETTEER OF ANCIENT LOCALES. Each release will focus on a much smaller setting with a leaning toward Shadowed Earth. This means a potential inclusion of folklore, mythology, legends, supernatural, etc. However, they will be 100% usable outside of Shadowed Earth settings. They will also include How to Guides for multiple game systems – Savage Worlds, EGS, Powered by the Apocalypse, Chronology Engine, and/or Legend. Maybe even Renaissance. They will be magazine-like supplements, allowing me to explore the ins and outs of the setting without trying to fit it into some type of predetermined template.
To see the historical timelines captured in our games, visit:
Shadowed Earth
This past week I rolled out a slight revision to Judgment Day for SWADE. When I published Judgment Day for EGS 2.0, I made a slight change to how religions are presented under Homelands. I preferred this change and decided to update the SWADE book to follow the same presentation. Both the PDF and POD have been updated (although the POD still requires a verification of the proofing copy). For what’s next… it will be some new games powered by the Chronology Engine including Live Free or Die, a fantasy horror game set in Colonial New England. These will be heroic games sitting somewhere between Beyond the Firelight and Little Heroes.
Chronology Engine
Little Heroes Deluxe – Revised core rulebook revisions are in full swing! While I was only expecting to add a few Scenarios, I have ended up adding even more new content. After handing the main mechanics chapter off to my 13-year old daughter and gathering her feedback, I have made a couple improvements to the rules that will be incorporated into Beyond the Firelight as well. I find it a definite improvement to the game and am very excited to playtest it with my children!
After the core rulebook is done, the Quick-Start Rules will be updated and then Beyond the Firelight will be updated (core rulebook, Quick-Start Rules, and Town of Dover). The best part is this new mechanic is a simple add-on and keeps all previous books 100% compatible!
Entropic Gaming System
There are no updates to our Entropic Gaming System products.
There are no updates to our legacy products. As a reminder, all of our legacy Savage Worlds product come with free SWADE conversion guides.
Roleplayers Chronicle
You can always follow our major product release announcements over at Roleplayers Chronicle.