Throne Report – May 15, 2015


Throne Report is Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter to discuss all things related to Mystical Throne Entertainment. This includes all projects being published or sponsored by Mystical Throne Entertainment and highlights of projects being developed by our development studios.

Greetings one and all and welcome to the latest Throne Report, Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter posted periodically on Fridays. This online newsletter is meant to keep all our fans informed about what we’re working on, what’s been released, important announcements, and a look at what’s coming up.

Aaron T. Huss

General Update

There will be a pretty cool announcement coming in about 2-3 weeks. No details will be provided until then.

Mercenary Breed

Editing continues on the Hastilion Expanse campaign book for Mercenary Breed – Savage Worlds. I don’t have any further updates, but this is a pretty big book to edit and will take awhile.

Colonial Gothic: Portsmouth 1745

Editing is in process for Portsmouth 1745. As with Hastilion Expanse, this is a big book and will take quite awhile to edit.

Ultimate Guides

The Ultimate Mongol Empire Guide is now available for the Entropic Gaming System. This is the third Ultimate Guides book to be converted to EGS with Ultimate Knights Templar Guide being next. However, Mythos: Battle of Thermopylae is slated next for conversion, and then the next Ultimate Guides book will be converted. The Ultimate Psionics Guide for Legend is on my list for brainstorming and development, but it’ll be a while. I’m pretty excited about this book.

Entropic Gaming System

Entropic Guides: Warfare continues to be written and playtested. The available download at RPGNow includes a taste of the playtest packet with chapters 1-3 which including dogfights and mass combat. However, development has not stopped there as mechanized warfare (for fighting machines) and naval combat have been added and siege warfare is currently in development. Updated playtest packets are being generated, but the free download will not gain access to it. In order to get access to the updated playtest packets, you have to provide valuable feedback.

Development continues on Entropic Heroes: Fantasy. The Characters chapter is complete and I’ve started working on the Equipment chapter. The only problem is parts of the Equipment chapter require Entropic Guides: Warfare to be completed. That’s not really a big deal in terms of development as this book is in my casual development slot and not full-blown active development (which is currently being consumed by Ancient World). There’s a lot of content that needs to be written, so I don’t really see this book finishing this year anyway.

I have a good list of new EGS books coming in the next two years or so. They include a Compendium of Beasts (an epic fantasy bestiary), Entropic Heroes: Horror, Book of Horrific Beings (a horror bestiary), and of course the EGS setting books such as Ancient World, Faith & Demons: The Rising, Beyond the Firelight, and The Fallen.

Third Party Publishers

No updates here, but keep on the look-out for new 3PP EGS products.

Shadowed Earth

Other than the upcoming fiction book, there’s no new Shadowed Earth development going on at the moment. There’s plenty of books to come, but other development currently has higher priority. Once Bestiarum Vocabulum is completed, I’m going to work on the next Cryptozoology release.

The next Cryptozoology release is Otherworldly Beings. I want to continue focusing on the multi-era entries as they add value to all settings, not just one setting. Additionally, this next release will follow my new bestiary entry design where every entry is a 2- or 4-page write-up instead of the previous 1-page write-up. This is akin to the entries in Xenopedia. All entries in Bestiarum Vocabulum are this way and the entries for Cryptozoology #01: Chaos Realm will be revised to follow this standard. The revision won’t occur until the first compendium is ready to be put together, but the current release will be revised with the new version and all previous orders will be updated.

Please note, this new development method results in fewer entries in each release to keep the page count and cost the same.

Don’t forget to visit the Shadowed Earth Online content and the Encyclopedia Chaotica:

Ancient World

Ancient World (EGS) and Bestiarum Vocabulum (EGS) development is progressing very nicely. I should have the core setting guide finished writing in 2-3 weeks at the most with the Bestiarum Vocabulum following up a week or two later (there’s a lot of creature entries in there).

I’m really excited at how this version is developing. I like having the setting shrouded in secrecy compared to how open it was before. To help support that, some of the features of the setting have changed slightly, but nothing significant. I’ve definitely given reason to the dark fantasy aspects of the setting compared to before, but players shouldn’t know those things. These are the secrets they’re supposed to uncover during the course of a campaign!


The Mythos: Quick Start Guide for EGS is now available. This is available as a Pay-What-You-Want release in both PDF and POD. The only requirement for POD is that you have to cover the cost of printing. It’s a great introduction to the Mythos setting and offers a new adventure for GMs.

Mythos line developer Gilbert Gallo is busy finishing up the next sourcebook called Heaven Queen. This book focuses on Hera entering the Heavenly Contest and includes a look at Crete. Battle of Thermopylae will be converted to EGS soon as will Wine and Blood and then Heaven Queen. Additionally, Gilbert Gallo and Charles White of Fabled Environments (author of Ultimate Knights Templar Guide) are working on something secret for Mythos. I won’t say what, but let’s just say it involves [REDACTED].

Broken Ruler Games

Broken Ruler Games is busy with development. Stay tuned to this area for further announcements when they come available.

Roleplayers Chronicle

Work has continued again on the database refresh. I finished up with Misfit Studios, am currently working on Mongoose Publishing, and will eventually post a review of Victoriana 3rd Edition.

Mystical Throne Entertainment is a publisher of tabletop role-playing games, a member of the Game Publishers’ Guild, and is the parent company of the Roleplayers Chronicle news website, reporting on the entire tabletop RPG industry with news, articles, reviews, and important announcements. Throne Report is (c) 2013-2015 Mystical Throne Entertainment and features the latest information about the company and its partners. Watch for new Throne Reports to keep up-to-date.

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