Throne Report is Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter to discuss all things related to Mystical Throne Entertainment and our game systems.
Aaron T. Huss General Update Multi-System Supplements To see the historical timelines captured in our games, visit: Shadowed Earth Chronology Engine The plan going forward is to make sure the core mechanics of each core rulebook matches the theme of the game, not just a replication of the rules from one book to the next. For example, Beyond the Firelight is survival fantasy horror while Little Heroes is epic fantasy; the two should not be exactly the same as you are not telling the same type of story. Entropic Gaming System Legacy Roleplayers Chronicle |
Mystical Throne Entertainment is a publisher of tabletop role-playing games, a member of the Game Publishers’ Guild, and is the parent company of the Roleplayers Chronicle news website, reporting on any aspect of the tabletop RPG industry with news, articles, reviews, and important announcements. Throne Report is (c) 2013-2022 Mystical Throne Entertainment and features the latest information about the company and its partners. Watch for new Throne Reports to keep up-to-date.
16 December, 2022
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Category: Throne Report