Throne Report is Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter to discuss all things related to Mystical Throne Entertainment. This includes all projects being published or sponsored by Mystical Throne Entertainment and highlights of projects being developed by our development studios.

Greetings one and all and welcome to the latest Throne Report, Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter posted around the middle of every month. This online newsletter is meant to keep all our fans informed about what we’re working on, what’s been released, important announcements, and a look at what’s coming up.

Aaron T. Huss

General Update

It’s a new year and as I do every year, it’s time to take a look at what major changes are in store for Mystical Throne Entertainment. This year’s change is an easy one – distribution consolidation. I have closed our consignment stores on Paizo and Open Gaming Store along with removed all PDF purchased from this website. Going forward, we will be PDF exclusive to DriveThruRPG with certain printed products being available abroad and all printed products being available at DriveThruRPG. All links on this website have been updated and the front page will get a facelift throughout the year.


I have decided to move forward with creating SWADE conversion guides. These are simple guides that take the existing Savage Worlds content for major releases and provide highlighted updates to make them SWADE-compatible. They are not revisions of the content, they are simply conversion guides to allow the releases to be used with previous Savage Worlds editions and SWADE. Judgment Day is complete, Ancient World is in process, and Mythos and Mercenary Breed will be next.

Multi-System Supplements

Tabletop Gaming Guide to: Conspiracies is released in PDF and paperback formats. It includes How to Guides for Savage Worlds (SWADE), Entropic Gaming System (EGS 2.0), and Five Points. The next release will be Tabletop Gaming Guide to: Psionics. This book will be a significant update as the current release has many mechanics tied directly to the content. I also want to update the presentation of the content to match what I hope to do with future, similar products. I don’t expect this book to be available until much later this year, maybe early next year.

Shadowed Earth

Judgment Day 3rd edition is now in development. This SWADE-compatible edition will be a complete redesign of the character mechanics and setting presentation to take full advantage of SWADE and narrow the focus of the setting within the core setting guide. The 2nd edition book was still too much like a toolkit and not a fully fleshed out setting; that will not be the case on this next edition. I have placed it ahead of Faith & Demons: The Rising 2nd Edition due to the amount of research needed on both. F&D:TR requires research within a lot of sources I currently do not own or have access to. I have all the resources necessary to develop JD 3rd edition.

Faith & Demons: The Rising 2nd Edition is on hold. This new edition will be SWADE-compatible and completely redesigned. It will be fully aligned to the Shadowed Earth canon and contain much more history than fantasy.

Don’t forget to visit the Shadowed Earth Online content and the Encyclopedia Chaotica:


Family Gaming

Little Heroes Deluxe is now available in PDF and paperback through distribution. It can be found on DriveThruRPG along with online outlets such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Books-a-Million.

Entropic Gaming System

Entropic Science Fiction is closing in on development completion. There are three chapters left (out of eleven total), although all three will require quite a bit of development time.

Entropic Guides: Warfare has been sent off for editing. This new edition fully aligns the mechanics with the SRD along with a significant amount of simplification to make each battle type easier to understand and resolve. The original edition felt like seven completely different means of resolving the various types of warfare; this edition doesn’t do that. It establishes common mechanics and then applies them applicably throughout.

Roleplayers Chronicle

You can always follow our product release announcements over at Roleplayers Chronicle.


Mystical Throne Entertainment is a publisher of tabletop role-playing games, a member of the Game Publishers’ Guild, and is the parent company of the Roleplayers Chronicle news website, reporting on any aspect of the tabletop RPG industry with news, articles, reviews, and important announcements. Throne Report is (c) 2013-2019 Mystical Throne Entertainment and features the latest information about the company and its partners. Watch for new Throne Reports to keep up-to-date.

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