Throne Report is Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter to discuss all things related to Mystical Throne Entertainment. This includes all products being published or sponsored by Mystical Throne Entertainment and highlights of products being developed by our team of freelancers.

Throne-Report-Newsletter-BannerGreetings one and all and welcome to the latest Throne Report, Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter posted periodically on Fridays. This online newsletter is meant to keep all our fans informed about what we’re working on, what’s been released, important announcements, and a look at what’s coming up.

Aaron T. Huss

Mercenary Breed 2.0

May was quite the amazing month! All three Mercenary Breed 2.0 core setting books for Savage Worlds were released in PDF and POD with an awesome response so far. Playtesting has wrapped up for the Legend edition and layout is in process. I’m actually expecting to release those books this month in PDF with the PODs being available about 2 weeks later. I would like to note that Perilous Journey: Hastilion Expanse is undergoing a serious revamp. Instead of being a series of books, it’s going to be a single setting and plot point campaign book taking the characters from Novice through Legendary. It will contain a 12-part plot point campaign, full missions, Savage Tales (or Legendary Tales), new character options, a gazetteer, and a bestiary (or Xenopedia). All of this will be contained within a single book in PDF and POD. This is a much better way of presenting the plot point campaign, although it does mean that you’ll have to wait longer before it’s available. It will be released in Savage Worlds and Legend editions. Those who purchased Mission Alpha or the Hastilion Expanse Compendium books will receive a coupon to purchase the completed PDF at a discounted price.

Colonial Gothic: Portsmouth 1745

The Perilous Journey: New World campaign is undergoing the same revamp as Hastilion Expanse. The current release model didn’t make sense and I didn’t really like the way I was developing it. Instead, it’s going to be a setting and plot point campaign covering 14-parts (the same plot points as before) alongside a collection of encounters and adventures, new character options (including Dark Magic), a gazetteer, a look at Native American tribes in the area, and new supernatural creatures. The name is also changing from New World to Portsmouth 1745 because the focus is changing from being just a campaign to being presented as a complete setting with an accompanying campaign centered on Portsmouth, NH in 1745. The first two modules have been removed from our distribution channels and the book won’t be available for quite some time. Those who already purchased the first two will receive a coupon to purchase the completed PDF at a discounted price.

Ultimate Guides

The Ultimate Characters Guide is available for Savage Worlds. This book has been received extremely well and I’m super excited for how it turned out. The Ultimate Knights Templar Guide is in writing and may be done later this month. I’m thinking it may result in a July release date, but it could push out to August. I’m not sure if this will be a Savage Worlds and Legend release or just Savage Worlds. It really depends on the content as Deus Vult from Mongoose is kind of like the Knights Templar.

What’s Next

I had previously announced that Judgment Day 2.0 will be the next book series to be worked on. However, there’s a chance that I will put that on hold to work on Ancient World 2.0 instead. I’ve been getting the dark fantasy itch again and would love to revisit this setting. Both of these are planned to be released in Savage Worlds and Legend, but I foresee a much better market for Ancient World Legend than Judgment Day Savage Worlds. I also have a secret project currently being worked on that may get thrown over the wall soon…

Shadowed Earth

The Shadowed Earth Anthology, Volume I is in process. Two stories have been received and a third is in the works. Instead of short stories, the writers were so excited that they all turned in novelettes. This is pretty cool as it gives them the opportunity to explore the story further. So far I love them; one is based in the 1980s punk scene in London while the other is a Western-era piece. They are both excellent entries into the Shadowed Earth realm!!

Don’t forget to visit the Shadowed Earth Online website for the Encyclopedia Chaotica:


Roleplayers Chronicle

Clean-up has resumed on the database, starting with 0one Games. I’m taking a slightly different route with what gets cleaned up, although it’s not going to be any quicker than before. This is quite an undertaking.


Mystical Throne Entertainment is a publisher of tabletop role-playing games along with the parent company of the Roleplayers Chronicle news website, reporting on the entire tabletop RPG industry with news, articles, reviews, and important announcements. Throne Report is (c) 2013-2014 Mystical Throne Entertainment and features the latest information about the company and its partners. Watch for new Throne Reports to keep up-to-date.

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