Greetings one and all and welcome to the latest Throne Report, Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter posted around the middle of every month. This online newsletter is meant to keep all our fans informed about what we’re working on, what’s been released, important announcements, and a look at what’s coming up.
Aaron T. Huss
General Update
The floodgates have opened! It has been a very busy month and I plan on finishing the year on a busy basis!! Four products have been released (well, two of them were 2nd editions) and there’s a lot more to come.
There are currently no updates on any Legacy products.
Multi-System Supplements
Tabletop Gaming Guide to the: Mongol Empire is in the hands of editor Tyler Omichinski. It will include a systemless sourcebook without any mechanics and How to Guides for Savage Worlds (SWADE), Entropic Gaming System (EGS 2.0), and Legend. It will also include expanded content, new formatting, and a new layout. Everyone who already owns the Ultimate Guides book will get a copy of the new book for PDF download.
Shadowed Earth
The Fallen is available in PDF and POD paperback (on DriveThruRPG). The book looks amazing and I’m very proud of our FIRST foray into Powered by the Apocalypse (as in, not the last).
Beyond the Firelight Deluxe is now also in layout. This is coming along nicely, but it will be given new cover artwork before release. It should hopefully be ready by October.
Cryptozoology #01 and Cryptozoology #02 have both been revised and released in their new format. Both include How to Guides (i.e. the stat blocks) for Savage Worlds (SWADE), Entropic Gaming System (EGS 2.0), Beyond the Firelight Deluxe (Chronology Engine), and The Fallen (Powered by the Apocalypse). The next Cryptozoology book will be Cryptozoology #03: Heretics with a selection of various magic-wielders in the context of Shadowed Earth.
Faith & Demons: The Rising 2nd Edition is in the researching phase. This new edition will be SWADE-compatible and contain a significantly different approach to the setting than before. It will be fully aligned to the Shadowed Earth canon and contain much more history than fantasy.
Don’t forget to visit the Shadowed Earth Online content and the Encyclopedia Chaotica:
Family Gaming
Little Heroes Deluxe is pretty much completed for layout, but is pending new cover artwork before release.
Entropic Gaming System
Entropic Gaming System 2nd Edition (EGS 2.0) has kicked-off with the System Reference Document. The SRD is a no-frills, free download. Future EGS 2.0 products will be standalone RPGs built off the SRD. They will not contain the extensive GM guidance the SRD does, but that’s because the SRD is meant to provide further insight into the mechanical aspects of the gaming system while the RPGs will focus more on the whole package. The first standalone book will be Entropic Science Fiction. This isn’t a 2nd Edition of Entropic Heroes: Science Fiction, although it will include re-used content, but rather a new presentation of sci-fi for EGS including all new cultures, new missions, and better GM guidance.
Roleplayers Chronicle
You can always follow our product release announcements over at Roleplayers Chronicle.