Greetings one and all and welcome to the latest Throne Report, Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter posted around the middle of every month. This online newsletter is meant to keep all our fans informed about what we’re working on, what’s been released, important announcements, and a look at what’s coming up.
Aaron T. Huss
General Update
Nothing major to communicate at this time.
Multi-System Supplements
Tabletop Gaming Guide to: Spiritualism is patiently waiting to pick-up development after Little Heroes and Beyond the Firelight are updated. Part of this is because on the How to Guides will be for Shadowed Earth and possibly Beyond the Firelight (at least compatible with). More to come later on this one.
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Shadowed Earth
After completing the latest revisions of Judgment Day, I realized how aged the Shadowed Earth core setting guide has become. Not only in layout and formatting and how I write, but more importantly the canon has been filled-in here and there. It’s time for an update of the canon before releasing any new Shadowed Earth settings to ensure the canon is homogeneous across all games. After Beyond the Firelight Deluxe – Revised is completed, I will begin work on Shadowed Earth 2nd Edition.
Chronology Engine
Little Heroes Deluxe – Revised has been sent off for editing! Revisions on Beyond the Firelight Deluxe – Revised have begun with a much cleaner presentation of the game rules. This Revised version will include new Scenarios as well.
Entropic Gaming System
There are no updates to our Entropic Gaming System products.
Portsmouth 1745 layout is wrapping up. The content is the same as before, although the Colonial Gothic 3rd Edition conversion is being incorporated into the content. It will no longer be compatible with Colonial Gothic 2nd Edition. It might be available in PDF by the end of May, but the proofing copy for the new POD will take a bit longer and the new printed version should be available in June.
Roleplayers Chronicle
You can always follow our major product release announcements over at Roleplayers Chronicle.