Throne Report is Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter to discuss all things related to Mystical Throne Entertainment. This includes all projects being published or sponsored by Mystical Throne Entertainment and highlights of projects being developed by our development studios.

Greetings one and all and welcome to the latest Throne Report, Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter posted periodically on Fridays. This online newsletter is meant to keep all our fans informed about what we’re working on, what’s been released, important announcements, and a look at what’s coming up.

Aaron T. Huss

General Update

It’s been quite some time since the last Throne Report, but then I’ve been quite busy. Lots of editing, layout, writing, and new releases. And with many of those releases, new bundles are being pulled together over at RPGNow to save you some money. However, the true update here is that I have solidified a new distribution model that I quite enjoy: hardcovers. Going forward, major releases will feature two versions. The first version is a full color, casebound book with full color PDF. The second version is a black-and-white paperback book with printer-friendly PDF. When you purchase the PDF, you’ll have access to download both types. The pricing on the two printed editions is quite different as the color books are much more expensive, but this way you can have that option of having a nice, full color hardcover if you’re interested.

Mercenary Breed

Editing continues on the Hastilion Expanse campaign book for Mercenary Breed – Savage Worlds. The content from Mercenary’s Handbook and Galaxy Guide has found its way into the Entropic Heroes: Science Fiction book in a slightly different form (i.e. without the baseline mercenary aspect). I’m ecstatic about how this book turned out, although I had some difficulties with the printed files. This being the first full color casebound, it was the guinea pig book. The good news is I worked through all those issues and the proofing copies are on their way!

Colonial Gothic: Portsmouth 1745

Editing is in process for Portsmouth 1745. One decision I did make is that this book will be three releases: the full campaign book, a setting book (for players and GMs), and an adventure book. That way, you can either purchase the full thing or just grab the parts you want (setting or adventure).

Ultimate Guides

Ultimate Knights Templar Guide for Savage Worlds is now available. The printed edition is in the works and should be available soon. At this time, we don’t have any additional Ultimate Guides in the pipeline, but I’m sure that could change. Some of the older ones will be converted to EGS, including the Knights Templar book.

Entropic Gaming System

The Quick Start Guide is the latest release for the core Entropic Gaming System. This pay-what-you-want book comes in PDF and POD format (yes, POD PWYW, although you must cover the cost of printing). It’s a great pick-up and includes everything you need to get started. If you like what you see, you can move on to the full core rulebook and get access to the entire game system!

Another big announcement is the release of the Entropic Guides: Warfare playtest packet (a free download over at RPGNow). All those who provide valuable feedback are entitled to a free copy of the PDF. This book adds mechanics for a variety of large-scale combat. The playtest packet introduces the core mechanics, dogfights, and mass combat. Dogfights and mass combat lay the foundation for the follow-on chapters which include mechanized warfare, siege warfare, space combat, and more!

Third Party Publishers

The Entropic Gaming System Third Party Publisher paNik Productions has released their second multi-system book that includes the EGS. Mystery Mountain is a modern action or sci-fi adventure: http://www.rpgnow.com/product/142321/Mystery-Mountain

Shadowed Earth

Shadowed Earth Anthology, Volume I is available in PDF, eBook, and Print. This book has also been set-up through global distribution channels in print and is available from Amazon and Barnes & Noble (online). These stories are awesome representations of Shadowed Earth!

Judgment Day is now available in PDF for the Entropic Gaming System. This multi-era supernatural hunting book is the first setting for EGS and is a significant revision to the original Judgment Day. Once the proofing copy of the printed book is approved, work will begin on the Savage Worlds version.

Cryptozoology #01: Chaos Realm is now available for Savage Worlds as well. This book goes hand-in-hand with the current editions of Judgment Day and Faith & Demons: The Rising.

Work has not yet begun on any additional Shadowed Earth RPGs as I’m currently working on Ancient World.

Don’t forget to visit the Shadowed Earth Online content and the Encyclopedia Chaotica:


Ancient World

Ancient World (EGS) development is underway as is the Bestiarum Vocabulum. This book is going to be a substantial revision to the original Ancient World and provides a dark fantasy setting to the Entropic Gaming System. With this new version, the setting will be developed better than before, but at the same time it’s being introduced so that players don’t have all the secrets that the GM has.

The Bestiarum Vocabulum is the bestiary book for Ancient World, but can be used on its own. This provides a number of new adversaries for your dark fantasy, fantasy horror, and epic fantasy games.


The Entropic Gaming System version of the Mythos core setting guide is in layout. This book is quite different from the Savage Worlds edition due to the required mechanical changes. It also looks better, but that’s all relative. I really like this new layout compared to the old one and I hope you do too.

This book will be released as three books: the full core setting guide, the Hero’s Handbook, and Epic Gamemastering. The full core setting guide will be a full color casebound while the other two are the players’ and GMs’ portion of the book (respectively) in black-and-white paperback. However, purchasing the full core setting guide will give you access to the printer-friendly versions of the paperback books. This just provides additional buying options. There will be some good bundles available to snag a deal for buying both the Hero’s Handbook and Epic Gamemastering paperbacks.

Broken Ruler Games

Broken Ruler Games is busy with development. Stay tuned to this area for further announcements when they come available.

Game Publishers’ Guild

Work continues to move forward with the Game Publishers’ Guild. The first item on the docket is to create a website for the Guild that provides a splash marketing page and a place for all Guild-related news and releases. More on this in the upcoming months.

Roleplayers Chronicle

Work has slowed down on the database refresh, but that’s only because things have been busy regarding layout. The database takes a backseat when layout is in process.


Mystical Throne Entertainment is a publisher of tabletop role-playing games, a member of the Game Publishers’ Guild, and is the parent company of the Roleplayers Chronicle news website, reporting on the entire tabletop RPG industry with news, articles, reviews, and important announcements. Throne Report is (c) 2013-2015 Mystical Throne Entertainment and features the latest information about the company and its partners. Watch for new Throne Reports to keep up-to-date.

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