MYL42201CoverSHAKOPEE, MN FEBRUARY 1, 2015 – Mystical Throne Entertainment has released Entropic Heroes: Science Fiction, a sci-fi companion book to the Entropic Gaming System core rulebook.

The first genre-focused core supplement for the Entropic Gaming System comes in the form of the Entropic Heroes: Science Fiction book with a wealth of material for players and GMs alike. Continuing with the character-focused content of EGS, this companion book provides new options for creating sci-fi characters and running sci-fi action and adventure games that shine the spotlight on character conflict.

Players benefit from Entropic Heroes: Science Fiction with sci-fi Backgrounds (xeno species), high technology equipment, technology-driven Talents (science as magic), and toolkits to create custom player character species. GMs benefit from the extensive guidance on creating sci-fi settings and missions across many subgenres, toolkits to build settings and missions, and sample missions. Both will benefit from the guidance on creating different sci-fi themes that can be mixed and matched to create a truly unique sci-fi experience.

Entropic Heroes: Science Fiction is the first genre book for EGS. Additional companion books will include Fantasy and Horror, all providing new options to add to your Entropic Gaming System settings, adventures, and campaigns!

About Mystical Throne Entertainment
Mystical Throne Entertainment is an independent publisher owned and operated by Aaron T. Huss. He is the designer of the Entropic Gaming System, designer of the Shadowed Earth multi-era setting, a Savage Worlds licensee, a Legend Third Party Publisher, and the owner of a limited Colonial Gothic license.

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