Throne Report is Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter to discuss all things related to Mystical Throne Entertainment. This includes all products being published or sponsored by Mystical Throne Entertainment and highlights of products being developed by our team of freelancers.

Throne-Report-Newsletter-BannerGreetings one and all and welcome to the latest Throne Report, Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter posted periodically on Fridays. This online newsletter is meant to keep all our fans informed about what we’re working on, what’s been released, important announcements, and a look at what’s coming up.

Aaron T. Huss

Mercenary Breed 2.0

If you missed the big announcement [see it here], we are in process of creating the second edition of Mercenary Breed. This is a HUGE expansion and revision to Mercenary Breed, breaking away from its simple roots to being an all-encompassing sci-fi action and adventure sandbox campaign setting with all sorts of tools to build your setting just the way you want it. Starting next week, we’ll be featuring previews of the upcoming core setting series (Mercenary’s Handbook, Galaxy Guide, and Xenopedia) to give a taste of what’s to come!

Colonial Gothic: New World

Perilous Journey #1: Portsmouth is now available! I’m extremely proud of how this turned out and how the campaign kicks off in this module; it’s even grabbed a 5 out of 5 star review! Perilous Journey #2: Great Island is in writing. This next module continues the New World campaign, kicks off the Dark Magic mini-campaign, discusses Great Island and the town of Newcastle, and more! I’m hoping to have this released in April.

Savage Insider

Savage Insider #10: Make it Epic is now available for pre-order and playtest. The pre-order at DriveThruRPG / RPGNow includes a Random Encounter and Great Adventure for playtest. Feedback is due in early March and the full product will be released on April 1, including the print-on-demand version.

Ultimate Guides

I’m excited that we have not one but THREE new Ultimate Guides in process. Religious historian Charles Smith of Fabled Environments and the Divine Intervention article in Savage Insider has turned in his outline for Ultimate Knights Templar Guide detailing the historical and religious aspects of the Knights Templar. Regular military historian freelancer Christopher J.N. Banks is working on an outline for a new Ultimate Guide placed in Asia Minor. I am working on turning the originally planned Ultimate Game Master’s Guide into the Ultimate Characters Guide to include a landslide of new options for building unique PCs, NPCs, creatures, races, ethnicities, etc. along with information on better ways to handle character interactions and skill usage. It’s going to be an awesome 2014!


The Mythos: Quick Start Guide is available and is a great place to get into Mythos if you’re hesitant on buying the full core setting guide. It’s just an introduction to the setting and the new mechanics, but there’s a great adventure in there! Additionally, if you’re excited about the upcoming Hercules movie, then Mythos is the perfect campaign setting to recreate the demigod’s epic tales!

Shadowed Earth

Shadowed Earth continues to plow forward and we are currently planning more fiction along with the next big project that is currently being kept quiet. Additionally, the first Shadowed Earth Inspiration article is up, discussing The Nazi Occult from Osprey Publishing and how to use it within the Shadowed Earth setting. This book is perfect for creating that supernatural horror of the Shadowed Earth alternate history throughout the early 20th century.


Roleplayers Chronicle

Work continues to move forward with getting the reference database updated and getting ready for the reviews of the latest EPOCH books. Although the format has changed, there is no shortage of great news coming out and still plenty of old articles to peruse if you haven’t already done so.


Survivors of Rome

Regular freelancer Christopher J.N. Banks has released his second novel, Survivors of Rome, a sequel to his previous Echoes of Rome. You can find it on sale at Amazon in hardcover, paperback, and .mobi.

Survivors of Rome

Mystical Throne Entertainment is a publisher of tabletop role-playing games along with the parent company of the Roleplayers Chronicle news website, reporting on the entire tabletop RPG industry with news, articles, reviews, and important announcements. Throne Report is (c) 2013-2014 Mystical Throne Entertainment and features the latest information about the company and its partners. Watch for new Throne Reports to keep up-to-date.

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