We just released Savage Insider’s fifth issue and I’m leading Issue 6 and am making it a holiday issue. As always, we trade advertising for content. If you’ve not seen Savage Insider yet, we’re available through drivethrurpg.com, paizo.com, and rpgnow.com – all for free. The value to companies offering us content to publish is a low-invest way to reach our continually growing reader base. We’ve got around 3,000 unique users who have downloaded our four quarterly issues. Shaking Things Up, the April issue, reached over 1,300 downloads before the end of April, the most we’ve seen for first month downloading and we broke 3,000 downloads of our first issue. Most are people who already play Savage Worlds. However, we’ve gotten some comments from folks who are discovering SW through our ezine.
With Issue 6: Holidays and Havoc, I’m looking to have pieces that focus on horror or spirits/the dead for Halloween, harvest or appreciation for Thanksgiving, and gifts or celebration for Yule/Christmas. How you get there is up to you, but that’s the gist. We’d love to have any licensee contribute, whether you have before or not. If you don’t have time to fit in a piece during your production schedule, I’m also looking for folks to interview for the lead article.
Speaking of the lead article, I’ll have a few questions to find out what people do to incorporate holidays (real or fictitious) into their games and their gaming groups. If you’re interested in that part, please send a message to me at vabeaver@vabeaver.com with the subject “SI Interview Participant.” Please note, that’s not the address I use for this list.
For supporting features, I’m asking for submissions for:
General Interest – If you have something that is of general interest that would fit well into Issue 6, sent me a line and we’ll see where it goes – 500-1,500 words
Character Gallery – NPCs who have some similarities to characters of legend or history that would relate well to a holiday theme (perhaps the headless horseman, Demeter, goddess of harvest, St. Nick) – 500-1,300 words including stats; optional – variations due to rank adventure hooks
Fictional Writings – Looking for some holiday stories based on last quarter holidays – 1,500 words or less
Great Adventures – Adventures that incorporate holiday elements (these do not have to be named the same as our real-life holidays, but can bear a resemblance to one) – need stats for people and things incorporated, illustrations appreciated, but not required – 1,300 – 4,500 words, depending on additional content like pre-generated characters supplied and number of submissions allotted for the issue
Equipment Corral – Something fitting for a holiday (maybe something to communicate with dead people or spot their spirits, a ring of bounty, an item that will give you what you want and then has to be passed on, etc.); these need stats and it’s even better when there are illustrations (but illos not required) – 75-250 words, including stats
Miniature Spotlight – Are there some great minis you’ve used for games, particularly to represent something that fit well with a given holiday? – 250 – 750 words
Releases – If you have something that released/is releasing between July and October’s issues (so July 1 to September 15), please sent a message to Aaron (aaron@mysticalthrone-ent.com).
Upcoming Releases – If you have something that is imminently releasing September 15-December 15, please let Aaron know if it’s something you want included in the list
If you’re interested in contributing to any of the features, please send me a message at vabeaver@vabeaver.com (not the same as the address I use for this list) with the subject line showing whichever feature you’d like to do. As always, in exchange for your contribution, you get a full-color ad in SI. Those are full-page as space allows, which so far space has allowed each issue. All items are due by 9/15. I hope to hear from you! You can also pass this on if there’s someone off list who you think would be interested in this.
Have a great day!
Vickey A. Beaver
Assistant Editor