Mercenary Breed 2.0 is Now Available


MTE-MB-Mercenarys-HandbookAfter over 6 months of development, the 2nd edition of Mercenary Breed is now available! This massive expansion and revision of the original Mercenary Breed takes the original mini-setting and explodes it into a full-blown setting complete with toolkits to fill it out. Some may call it a sandbox, but we call it the ultimate sci-fi playground for Savage Worlds.

This 2nd edition is split across 3 books to make purchasing that much easier. You only need to buy the books you want! The Mercenary’s Handbook is the player’s guide and contains everything you need to build these sci-fi characters:

The Galaxy Guide is the GM’s guide and contains everything the GM needs to create the setting for the characters along with sample missions, Savage Tales, and plenty of toolkits:

The Xenopedia is not only the bestiary for Mercenary Breed, it’s a sci-fi bestiary usable with ANY Savage Worlds sci-fi setting. It’s written to be universal, although the xenos therein are found in our Savage Tales:

This launch marks the first relaunch of Mystical Throne Entertainment’s previous product lines to coincide with what we’ve learned in the past few years of publishing products. We’re extremely proud of this series and we hope you are too!

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