Tabletop Gaming Guide to: Psionics guides you through the world of psionic abilities, open up new psionic areas to explore, and broaden the psionic characters many players bring to the table. For GMs it also presents a psionic bestiary, micro-setting, and adventure guideline along with the supporting content that enhances the understanding of what a psionicist is capable of.
Tabletop Gaming Guide to: Psionics presents new ways to create psionic characters along with providing a host of options to create settings, adventures, and campaigns influenced by or incorporating psionics. Manifestations provide opportunities to enhance the simple psionicist concept; instead of creating a “psionic character,” you can create an Empath, Telepath, Medium, Electrokinetic, Pyrokinetic, or whatever you want to call her.
Tabletop Gaming Guide to: Psionics includes:
- What it means to be a psionicist
- 14 different manifestations of psionic abilities to create unique characters
- 25 different psionic abilities for your character to wield
- Gear, bestiary, psionic cultures, and a micro-setting to get your game going quickly
- A couple adventures to get GMs started
- … And more!
Tabletop Gaming Guide to: Psionics helps you get more out of your psionic characters by adding depth to what makes them a psionicist.
Tabletop Gaming Guide to: Psionics includes the following How to Use guides for incorporating the source material quickly into your games:
- Savage Worlds (SWADE-compatible)
- Entropic Gaming System (EGS 2.0)
- Legend
Type – RPG Sourcebook
Authors – Aaron T. Huss, A.J. Preece
System – Savage Worlds, Entropic Gaming System, Legend
Release Date – May 18, 2017; September 1, 2020
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