SHAKOPEE, MN JANUARY 27, 2014 – Mystical Throne Entertainment is pleased to announce the appointment of Vickey A. Beaver to the role of editor-in-chief of the Savage Worlds magazine, Savage Insider.

MTE-SI10-Make-it-EpicSince its inception, Savage Insider was always led by two individuals: Editor-in-Chief Aaron T. Huss and Assistant Editor and Marketing Coordinator Vickey A. Beaver. With the growth of Mystical Throne Entertainment’s product lines and the upcoming development of new projects, Aaron is stepping down and has asked Vickey to take over the magazine. “I want to be able to concentrate on other projects,” Aaron said, “and managing the magazine was getting to be too much for me. I’m very excited for Vickey to take on this new opportunity; especially since the magazine has been ours, not just mine, from day one.”

Going forward, with the change of editor-in-chief, publication of Savage Insider will move from Mystical Throne Entertainment to Obatron Productions. Thus, subsequent issues after #10 will come through Vickey’s imprint. This move allows Vickey full control over the magazine without having to worry about Aaron’s publication schedules.

Vickey had this to say, “On a personal note, I’m excited that Aaron is trusting me to be Savage Insider‘s Editor-in-Chief. He and I have worked together on it from before the debut issue, July 2011’s Building the Savage Worlds Community. I’m honored to carry on his legacy. On a professional note, I believe Obatron Productions is well-suited to taking over SI‘s publication. We have a good relationship with Mystical Throne Entertainment and SI fits nicely within the branches of Obatron Productions and our plans for 2014.”

To support these changes, the original Savage Insider Facebook page and Twitter accounts have been rebranded to Mystical Throne Entertainment (https://www.facebook.com/MysticalThroneEntertainment). Vickey has established a new Savage Insider Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/SavageInsider) and will eventually take over the Savage Insider Online website (http://savageinsideronline.com/).

Mystical Throne Entertainment is the publishing and creative outlet for Aaron T. Huss. He currently holds licenses for Savage Worlds and Colonial Gothic and is a third party publisher for Legend.

Vickey A. and Robert L. Beaver comprise Obatron Productions. Using freelance talent, OP creates and publishes RPG material and is launching two new branches, including Obatron Fiction, under which Savage Insider will be released.

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