Throne Report is Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter to discuss all things related to Mystical Throne Entertainment. This includes all projects being published or sponsored by Mystical Throne Entertainment and highlights of projects being developed by our development studios.

Greetings one and all and welcome to the latest Throne Report, Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter posted around the middle of every month. This online newsletter is meant to keep all our fans informed about what we’re working on, what’s been released, important announcements, and a look at what’s coming up.

Aaron T. Huss

General Update

As you can see from the New Releases list to the right, nothing has been released since the last Throne Report. This comes after months and months of at least one new release each month. Although I have still been working on new releases, my available work time has been drastically reduced. The main issue I’m facing right now is a back-up in layout. I have several books that need layout and am working through them. Unfortunately, if I continue writing at the pace I was before, I’ll continue being backed-up in the layout area and will continue to struggle with a slowdown in releases.

With this in mind, I have made a decision – all writing, on my part, will be all but put on hold. Our freelancers can continue writing at their regular pace, but my personal writing will be drastically slowed to a crawling pace. I will do what I can, when time presents itself, but otherwise I need to focus on getting these pending books released (which includes an editing backlog). You’ll read all about that below!

Mercenary Breed

The full Hastilion Expanse book is wrapping-up layout. This is the book that is consuming most of my available time. Weighing in at 300 pages, it’s taking quite a long time. However, 95% of it is done and I only have a few things to complete. I expect the book to be available in the first days of March, but it is possible that it will be available in the last days of February. The full campaign book will release on PDF with print-on-demand versions to follow. A full color hardback will be available along with a cost-efficient black-and-white paperback.

Licensed Campaigns

Writing on Five Points (Dark Streets) is done! I have sent the files off to Dark Streets co-designer Peter Cakebread for editing. I’m quite excited that Peter volunteered for this as not only will it be well edited, it will be edited by one of the guys who designed the game! I don’t expect the editing to be done until March and layout will probably begin in April or May, given the current backlog.

Ultimate Guides

Patiently waiting for the backlog to clear-up is the Ultimate Conspiracies Guide for Savage Worlds. Written by Tyler Omichinski, author of Ultimate Celts Guide, it features a number of real-world conspiracies along with a wealth of information for incorporating these types of conspiracies into your games. Layout will begin when Hastilion Expanse is done and I anticipate a March release date.

Entropic Gaming System

Now that the revised edition of the Entropic Gaming System is available, the Quick Start Guide will be updated to include those same changes and laid out using the same formatting as the core rulebook. The PDF will be full color and it will still be available for Pay What You Want. The printed edition will still only be black-and-white paperback, but will also still be available for Pay What You Want. The adventure will be the same, as will the pregenerated characters, but the mechanics will match those updated in the core rulebook.

The next EGS book will be Entropic Heroes: Fantasy. I had started working on it before when other priorities came up, and now it’s made its way back to the top of the development list. Active writing is now on hold, but when time permits, it will be half of my writing focus.

Third Party Publishers

No updates here, but keep on the look-out for new 3PP EGS products.

Shadowed Earth

Writing on Judgment Day: Quick Start Guide is done and sent off for editing. This will be an EGS version with a Savage Worlds version to follow shortly. The PDF will be full-color and the printed edition will be a black-and-white paperback. Both will be available in Pay What You Want.

Development on Cryptozoology #02: Otherworldly Beings is officially on hold until the layout backlog is completed. I may jot down things that pop into my head here and there, but otherwise writing will commence at a later date.

I haven’t mentioned it yet, but I was starting to develop Faith & Demons: The Rising 2nd Edition. This is a significant revision to the 1st edition by taking a different approach to the overall setting and placing it within the context of Shadowed Earth. Quite a bit of writing was done, but I’ve now made it to the meat of the setting that will require a lot more research. Writing has thus been put on hold so that additional planning can be done. I plan on hitting the books hard in addition to the information gathered for the 1st Edition.

Don’t forget to visit the Shadowed Earth Online content and the Encyclopedia Chaotica:


Ancient World

Development for Ancient World: Quick Start Guide has also been put on hold. Writing has not begun and thus it can’t squeeze into editing and layout. Alongside Entropic Heroes: Fantasy, it’s at the top of the development list. It too will be part of what I write when time permits.


The Mythos core setting guide for Savage Worlds has gone back into editing. The content is being cleaned-up, the errata is being incorporated, and the formatting will match the cleaner style of the EGS version. It will then get the same layout treatment as the EGS version with a beautiful new book set that includes a full color, hardback core setting guide and a pair of black-and-white paperbacks – Hero’s Handbook and Epic Gamemastering.

It’s only right that the Savage Worlds version gets the same treatment as the EGS version…

Broken Ruler Games

The ScreenPlay playtest is officially closed. The Warden over at Broken Ruler Games is busy working away on getting the core rulebook available along with a quick play version that includes an abridged version of the core rulebook. Lots of exciting things are being planned, but you’ll have to wait for further announcements or visit Broken Ruler Games for up-to-date information. https://brokenrulergames.net/

Roleplayers Chronicle

All Shadowrun 5th Edition books have been added to the database. I’ve also started working on dividing up some of the games that have a lot of books from multiple editions (such as Ars Magica). This makes navigation a bit easier.


Mystical Throne Entertainment is a publisher of tabletop role-playing games, a member of the Game Publishers’ Guild, and is the parent company of the Roleplayers Chronicle news website, reporting on any aspect of the tabletop RPG industry with news, articles, reviews, and important announcements. Throne Report is (c) 2013-2016 Mystical Throne Entertainment and features the latest information about the company and its partners. Watch for new Throne Reports to keep up-to-date.

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