Throne Report is Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter to discuss all things related to Mystical Throne Entertainment. This includes all projects being published or sponsored by Mystical Throne Entertainment and highlights of projects being developed by our development studios.

Greetings one and all and welcome to the latest Throne Report, Mystical Throne Entertainment’s online newsletter posted around the middle of every month. This online newsletter is meant to keep all our fans informed about what we’re working on, what’s been released, important announcements, and a look at what’s coming up.

Aaron T. Huss

General Update

As announced on Facebook and Google+, Mystical Throne Entertainment will be moving back to the 6×9 publishing size in an effort to control printing costs. Earlier in 2016, printing costs went up on print-on-demand, and the larger 7×10 print size gets hit harder than the smaller 6×9 print size. Additionally, when quoting possible digital print runs for mass distribution, the 6×9 size was quite a bit cheaper than the 7×10. These updates will be rolled into the 5th anniversary releases that begin with Ultimate Game Mechanics Guide: Mass Battle. Savage Insider, in its 8.5×11 format, will not be effected.

No New Updates

There are currently no new updates regarding Licensed Settings, Ancient World, Systematic Supplements, d100 products, and Mythos.

Ultimate Guides

Development and editing continue along with our current queue of Ultimate Guides books. Due to the delays in artwork on Ultimate Settings Guide: Conspiracies, I’ve decided to send it back to author Tyler Omichinski for a few revisions. I want to add a bit more player character content into the book to make it a valuable tool for players as well as GMs.

For current development, Ultimate Characters Guide: Psionics (Savage Worlds) is currently in editing, Ultimate Medieval Guide: Feudal Japan (Savage Worlds) is currently in editing, and Ultimate Dark Ages Guide: Vikings (Savage Worlds) is in the development queue.

Entropic Gaming System

The Entropic Gaming System series of books is being narrowed down to core books only going forward. All Guides, Heroes, Adventures, and Settings books will be rebranded to show that they’re not just for EGS. That means EGS will be the core rulebook, the Quick Start Guide, and any offshoots of the core rules.

Shadowed Earth

Beyond the Firelight core rulebook is now available in PDF and POD in paperback and hardcover. The retail version is being put off until March. Additionally, the second playtest Scenario, Dullahan, was released as a free download. I am currently developing a new, full-length Scenario tentatively titled Beyond the Firelight: Town of Dover. Whereas the playtest Scenarios were 4 Acts, this one will be 12 or more.

Don’t forget to visit the Shadowed Earth Online content and the Encyclopedia Chaotica:


Little Heroes

Little Heroes: The Lost Faery is in layout and the cover and interior artwork has been commissioned. Writing on the core rulebook is complete and it’s already come back from editing. It’s now in the layout queue behind a few other books. It should be available in April.

Savage Insider

Savage Insider Issue #4: Shaking Things Up has gone through the 5-year anniversary revisions. It is next in line for layout and will be available on April 1, marking 5 years since it was first released. It follows the same layout as the other revisions, which is our new magazine standard.

Broken Ruler Games

Broken Ruler Games has been very busy gearing-up for the High Plains Samurai Kickstarter, which has been slightly delayed . You can follow all updates and announcements at https://brokenrulergames.net/

Roleplayers Chronicle

Time has been a bit more on my side lately and I’ve been doing a few reviews. I expect more to come out in the upcoming months, but not sure how frequent it will be.


Mystical Throne Entertainment is a publisher of tabletop role-playing games, a member of the Game Publishers’ Guild, and is the parent company of the Roleplayers Chronicle news website, reporting on any aspect of the tabletop RPG industry with news, articles, reviews, and important announcements. Throne Report is (c) 2013-2017 Mystical Throne Entertainment and features the latest information about the company and its partners. Watch for new Throne Reports to keep up-to-date.

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