Throne Report is Mystical Throne Entertainment’s weekly online newsletter to discuss all things related to Mystical Throne Entertainment and Savage Insider. This includes all products being published or sponsored by Mystical Throne Entertainment and highlights of products being developed by Savage Insider’s development team.

Throne-Report-Newsletter-BannerGreetings one and all and welcome to the latest Throne Report, Mystical Throne Entertainment’s weekly online newsletter that will (hopefully) be posted every Friday. This online newsletter is meant to keep all our fans informed about what we’re working on, what’s been released, important announcements, and a look at what’s coming up.

Aaron T. Huss

Welcome Back

As you can see, I haven’t been very good at posting these updates lately. After a nice two week vacation, I’ve been working on catching up and I think I’ve finally gotten a handle on everything. I will try to be more diligent so that everyone knows what’s going on.

Colonial Gothic: New World

I’ve been quite busy plugging away on the first module for the New World campaign – Perilous Journey #1: Portsmouth. This first module brings the characters together for the first time and places them in their new home in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Much of it is role-playing, but establishes a lot of the foundation used throughout the rest of the campaign. The first game session has already been written and the first playtest is complete (which was streamed live). I’m extremely happy with the results and it was only made better by the awesome friends I have who are taking part in the campaign and serving as my playtest group. Once the module is written and playtested by my group, it will come available for general playtest via Rogue Games and then published shortly thereafter.

Savage Insider

As we move into August, myself and my freelancers are beginning to work on Savage Insider Issue #10: Make it Epic. This all-fantasy issue will have an awesome selection of content for players and GMs.

Ultimate Guides

Freelancer Christopher J.N. Banks has turned in his Ultimate Pirate, Privateer and Plunder Guide for the first round of editing. I’m ecstatic with what he’s turned in and this guide will make adding the Age of Sail into your games a breeze! The first release will be for Savage Worlds and the second for Reniassance. Additionally, he’s already pitched to me his next Ultimate Guide, more details to come.

Mythos Core Setting Guide

Final edits are in-process for the Mythos core setting guide. We are still on-track for an August release. I’m going to speak to Chronicle City at Gen Con as they don’t seem to be ready for retail support of a digest-sized book. Instead, the book will come out in PDF and print-on-demand.

Shadowed Earth

I’ve finished the first 9 chapters of the Shadowed Earth core setting guide and am working on chapter 10. My first draft editor is taking a slight vacation this month so writing will continue after Gen Con. This gives me a chance to focus on the New World campaign. Don’t forget to sign-up at Shadowed Earth Online as this release will be more than just the core setting guide.


Roleplayers Chronicle

The Shadowrun Featured Product series has already begun with part 2 scheduled for release tomorrow. This 5th Edition core rulebook is awesome and a definite one to check-out at Gen Con.


Roleplayers Chronicle Reference

Work continues on revising the Call of Cthuilhu series with much of it already done.


Mystical Throne Entertainment is a publisher of tabletop role-playing games along with the parent company of the Roleplayers Chronicle news website, reporting on the entire tabletop RPG industry with news, articles, reviews, and important announcements. Throne Report is (c) 2013 Mystical Throne Entertainment and features the latest information about the company and its partners. Watch for a new Throne Report every Friday to keep up-to-date.

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