Shadowed Earth Core Setting Guide is Now Available

MTE-Shadowed-EarthSHAKOPEE, MN MARCH 1, 2013 – Mystical Throne Entertainment is pleased to announce the release of the Shadowed Earth systemless core setting guide, and the launch of the new Shadowed Earth.

Shadowed Earth is the framework and canon book for Mystical Throne Entertainment’s fantasy horror alternate history, covering Prehistory to the near-future New Age. This systemless book establishes the background storyline, and a moving timeline, to be used within all Shadowed Earth tabletop role-playing games, such as Judgment Day and Faith & Demons: The Rising, and fictional offerings, such as the upcoming novella Box of Blades.

The Shadowed Earth core setting guide not only provides the backdrop for all Shadowed Earth books, it also provides a broad setting that can be layered atop existing settings and supplements such as Ultimate Roman Legions Guide, Ultimate Three Kingdoms Guide, and even Savage Worlds and Legend books offered by other publishers.

The launch of the new Shadowed Earth marks the beginning of the relaunch of Judgment Day and Faith & Demons: The Rising. Both settings will be greatly expanded and released in Savage Worlds and Legend compatible versions. This also marks the launch of our Shadowed Earth internet presence, providing multiple locations to keep up with Shadowed Earth. The Shadowed Earth Online website will contain free game content (for Savage Worlds and Legend) along with low-cost premium content. Additionally, users can peruse the Encyclopedia Chaotica for free to see what the Shadowed Earth setting entails. Users must register, but registration is completely free.

To learn more about Shadowed Earth, visit Shadowed Earth Online at:


Shadowed Earth can also be found on Facebook and Twitter:


Purchase the Shadowed Earth core setting guide at the Mystical Throne Entertainment webstore:



Mystical Throne Entertainment is the publishing and creative outlet for Aaron T. Huss, supported by a network of freelance writers and editors. They are a licensee for Savage Worlds and Colonial Gothic and a third party publisher of Legend compatible books.

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