Savage Insider Issue #7: End of Days

Savage Insider Issue #7: End of Days


Savage Insider Issue 7: End of Days is all about survival after the apocalypse. The pillar article Technology Lost discusses what conveniences and technology would be lost depending on how the apocalypse affected the world while Religion in a Post-Apocalyptic Age presents information about how the faithful are able to practice their religion in a world without some of our modern conveniences.

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Savage Insider Issue 7: End of Days is all about survival after the apocalypse. The pillar article Technology Lost discusses what conveniences and technology would be lost depending on how the apocalypse affected the world while Religion in a Post-Apocalyptic Age presents information about how the faithful are able to practice their religion in a world without some of our modern conveniences.

End of Days is a post-apocalyptic issue with content placed in an age where life on the new Earth is much different than that which we know today. This issue concentrates more on options and content for post-apocalyptic game play while offering a short adventure and fictional piece that can be interpreted onto your tabletop.

End of Days includes:

  • Post-Apocalyptic Gear to equip your characters
  • 2 flagship articles about life in a post-apocalyptic world
  • A fictional piece set in a post-apocalyptic environment
  • A one-sheet adventure module
  • And more!

Type – Magazine
Authors – Vickey A. Beaver, Marcus Bone, Aaron T. Huss, Curtis Lyon, Christopher Margraves, Umberto Pignatelli, Charles White
System – Savage Worlds
Release Date – January 4, 2013; January 1, 2018


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